Ridgeline Montessori Public Charter School

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Parent/Guardian Name*

Is Montessori for you?

Underlying the Montessori curriculum is a fundamental belief that each child has an instinctive and spontaneous desire to learn and that self-motivation is the only true impulse to learning. In the Montessori classroom, individual responsibility for behavior, along with respect for people and property, accompanies the freedom that students enjoy. In collaboration with observant teachers who assist with goal setting and ensure steady achievement, children move themselves toward learning. 

To be successful, entering students must be able to learn to make choices, cooperate with peers, develop and maintain a sense of order, demonstrate self-discipline, function independently, and participate non-competitively in a classroom community. They must find intrinsic satisfaction in work well done instead of seeking extrinsic rewards or pats on the back. Students with diverse learning styles will find many stimulating and appropriate activities at Ridgeline. Students who are highly distractible may find our environment too stimulating for their learning needs.

Our Expectations of Ridgeline Families

We expect our students to learn to balance their freedom to explore with their responsibility to learn.

We ask the same of our families: we ask that you balance your freedom to choose a Montessori education for your child with your responsibility to support your child and the school with your time, talents and resources.

1. Support your student's education: Each Ridgeline family is expected to ensure that their student attends school daily and arrives on time, read and understand the material that comes home from school, learn about Montessori education, respond promptly to school requests, communicate clearly and respectfully with other community members and model the values that we work to instill in our students.

2. Support the school with your time and talents: Each Ridgeline family is expected to volunteer 40 hours every year and record those hours for school records.

3. Support the school financially: Each Ridgeline family is expected to contribute to the school’s fundraising efforts. Fundraising keeps our classrooms fully staffed and allows us to care for our school building while also providing additional, essential opportunities such as PE, arts and counseling.

Ridgeline Montessori School

Student Name*
Grade applied for*
Has your child had experience in a Montessori classroom?*
Are there any special concerns for your child that you feel we should be aware of?*
Has your student been identified for any of the following (Check any that apply)*
If your child has been identified for Special Education, do they currently have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or an IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan)?*
If your child has been identified for Special Education, do they currently have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or an IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan)?
If yes, is the special education team supportive of your student attending Ridgeline Montessori?*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
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